Important Information for Parents
Forms You Might Need
Change of Address?
If your address has changed, please contact Michelle Levy in the Counseling Office immediately at mlevy@lvusd.org. You will be required to submit updated documentation as follows:
Residency Verification Form (click link to download and print). Please note: PO Box addresses are NOT accepted.
Property Tax, Mortgage Statement, or Lease agreement. If you are in Escrow, we can accept close of Escrow papers and will require either a property tax or mortgage statement within 30 days of closing. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to provide this documentation before the 30 days has elapsed.
Two Utility Bills: Water, Gas, or Electric bills only. Must be the actual bill (not a screenshot showing service). Phone, cable, trash, etc. bills will not be accepted.
If you are a renter and do not pay utilities because it is included in the rent, we will need a letter from the lessor and/or copy of the rental agreement stating that utilities are included. We will also require three pieces of business mail (can be copy of front of envelope) showing your name and address.
NOTE: In the event a utility service connection letter is used as proof of residency, then a utility bill must be provided within 30 days to assure continued enrollment. It is the parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to provide this documentation before the 30 days has elapsed.
In case of a change of phone number, emergency contact, or caregiver, you may make the changes in the Contacts section in Aeries. Make sure your Aeries Emergency Contacts are up to date. These are the only people who are allowed to pick up your child during the school day in case of an emergency.
Go to: https://parent.lvusd.org
Click Student Info, then Contacts
Click Add, then enter contact info
Click Save
If you are moving and your child will be attending another school other than AE Wright, please contact Michelle Levy immediately at mlevy@lvusd.org or (818) 880-4614 x31289.
Entertainment Work Permits
The work permits for students to work in the entertainment industry are issued by the Division of Labor and Standards Enforcement (DLSE) Office, not by the Las Virgenes Unified School District.
Click on this link to go to the Division of Labor and Standards Enforcement/ Department of Industrial Relations website for more information.
The parent/guardian or the student must take the application to the student’s school designated counselor who will check the student’s attendance, discipline record, grades and health record. The counselor will fill out the form then the work permit application will be returned to the student/parent to submit to the DLSE office for processing.
Please plan accordingly and allow 2-5 business days for the Work Permit to be processed in the Counseling Office.
Per State guidelines, the schools require a student to maintain at least a 2.0 G.P.A. and attend school regularly. Also, per State guidelines, a student’s attendance, discipline record and grades will be checked every grading period.
The work permit can be cancelled and or denied by a school administrator if the student does not meet the grade and attendance requirements as per State guidelines. If the student’s work schedule creates a truancy or absence problem for the student, or demands of job are causing student to fail classes at school, the permit will be revoked.
Student Responsibilities-All students applying for a Work Permit must:
Maintain a good daily attendance record in all classes (per State guidelines).
Maintain a G.P.A. of 2.0.
Understand that student's grades and attendance will be monitored throughout the year. If the student does not meet the above requirements, his/her work permit will be revoked.
Agree that school is the priority over work.
Short Term Independent Study
Short Term Independent Study may be granted for an extended absence of more than five days. Parents should contact the Principal's Office to make an appointment to discuss the absence reasons. If approved, the student will be able to receive credit for the work completed. The Independent Study contract can be downloaded HERE.
This appointment should be made several weeks prior to the absence in order to give teachers time to prepare homework assignments.
Please contact the office for further information.